Check Raise is a Stout - American style beer brewed by Idle Hands Craft Ales in Malden, MA. Score: 89 with 54 ratings and reviews. Sorry, there was a problem displaying your Raise Page. Please try again later.
- However, most opponents check-raise the turn with too strong of a range for us to continue. Raising a very innocuous looking turn card is often a sign of strength from standard unknown opponents. Folding is the best play. What would you do here?
- A Check Raise in Texas hold’em poker is a misleading poker strategy used by advanced poker players. The player checks their poker hand (usually a strong hand) as to appear weak or not that interested in playing. They are hoping one of their opponent (s) falls for the trap by betting.
- To stay in the pot without making an additional bet and then increase the size of the wager on one's next action; to check on one's first action in the round with the expectation that another player will bet or raise, and then to raise or re-raise that opponent's wager.
A check-raise is when one player checks his hand on the flop, another bets and then the original player comes back over the top with a raise. It’s a very effective play – both as a bluff and with a big hand – but remarkably, check-raising was banned in some Las Vegas casinos for being an example of poor etiquette! Well, the good news is that check-raising is most certainly allowed online at PokerStars in No Limit Hold’em poker – here’s how to do it successfully…
Check Raise Wow
Check Raiser
Most of the time when you check-raise it will be because you have a strong hand and want to get more money into the pot. A perfect example is when you flop a set. Let’s say you have 2♥2♣ in the big blind. One opponent from early position raises and you call. The flop is 2♦K♦Q♣ . Betting right out is a viable option with your set, but in general this is a flop where it is better to look for a check-raise. As your opponent raised pre-flop there is a good chance he will have hit a pair of Kings or Queens here, and will bet when checked to. If your opponent does bet this is not a flop to consider slow playing. There are plenty of draws that you could be up against – such as two diamonds or a straight draw like A-T – but more importantly, we have already concluded our opponent could have a strong hand so it’s important we try to win the maximum possible! Check-raising is the best way to do this.
Check Raise Sizing
Also, if you have been playing an aggressive game so far your opponent may not give your check-raise the credit it deserves. On a flop like this, they could put you on a draw and call down with relatively weak hands. If you have the right table image, check-raising against a curious opponent can pay huge dividends.